Momentum Quiz Resources

Hello, Seeker of Momentum Secrets!

Below you will find a trove of resources for helping you improve your ability to be more productive, get more done, and get more of the right things done (your best work)!

Each of the sections is organized by the category and subcategory found on the Momentum Quiz. Consult your Personal Momentum Report to see particular areas where you need the most support. The links for each will take you to the appropriate section of this resource page.

Envision: Your Best Work

For a general overview of envisioning your best work and its components, see Start Finishing, Part 1: Clearing the Decks for Your Best Work (chapters 1-3).


Design: Planning Your Project

For a general overview of the design phase, and how to define, plan, and schedule your best work, see Start Finishing, Part 2: Planning Your Project (chapters 4-6).


Create: Working the Plan and Finishing Strong

For a general overview of the create phase, where you accelerate your productivity and move the needle toward finishing your best work project, see Start Finishing, Part 3: Planning Your Project (chapters 7-10).